Alessandra Centonze |
direttore artistico, Metiss'Art, insegnate, coreografa, danzatrice, danza , duende, orientale, popolare, araba, berbera, giri dervisci, artistic, director, teacher , choreographer, performer, dance, oriental, folk, arab world, berbere, dervishes tours
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I am artistic director of  Metiss’Art Danza Arte e Benessere dal Mondo,
teacher , choreographer and performer of Duende Dance , Oriental Dance , Folk Dances from the Arabic World , Berbere Dances and Dervishes Tours .

I am sure that dancing can be a powerful path of awareness and openness to creative life.

I propose in my work a holistic, feminine, elegant and strong, fresh and spontaneous dance, at the constant search of the authenticity and kindness in the gesture and personal expression .

My goal, as a teacher, is make shine thousand colors hidden in the heart of every woman.